Alternatives to Violence Project Committee
AVP, the Alternatives to Violence Project, is an international organization, rooted in Quakerism, that began in New York in the 1970s. The AVP Committee of our Meeting promotes this work in the Los Angeles area by:
Providing moral, organizational and financial support for community and prison workshops.
Working with individuals from other local Quaker Meetings and with dedicated non-Quakers (who comprise the AVP-LA group) to plan, facilitate and present these workshops.
Keeping our Meeting informed about our activities, our progress and our challenges.
Presenting to our Meeting’s Finance Committee a proposed yearly budget and monitoring our expenditures throughout the year.
Attending quarterly meetings on Sundays at 11:30 a.m. These committee meetings precede AVP-LA group meetings in which our committee members are encouraged to participate.
Encouraging all Meeting members and attenders who wish to share in this work to join our committee. AVP Committee members do not need to be AVP facilitators.